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009 Go Make Disciples

009 Go Make Disciples

You don’t have to leave the country to make disciples of all nations. You don’t have to stand on a street corner with a megaphone, go door to door, or organize bible studies. All these things can be good, but you can fulfill the Great Commission by how you live your...
008 Seek to Forgive

008 Seek to Forgive

In a world where technology can translate from one language to another and applications allow us to communicate via voice, text, and video within seconds across the globe (and across the cubicle wall), a failure to communicate is the cause of most problems in the...
007 Belong to the Truth

007 Belong to the Truth

Jesus wants us, our lives, to be consecrated in truth, that is God’s word. It is easy to get sucked into office gossip, politics, or trivial conflicts and it can drown out his voice. To remain in truth, we must make prayer a continuous part of our lives, especially at...
006 Choose Joy

006 Choose Joy

We become what we focus on. Our thoughts become our actions, and our actions lead to our results. By recognizing and measuring your wins, big and small, you can celebrate progress, and this positive energy fuels you to keep going. And that is what it is about, making...
005 Bear Fruit

005 Bear Fruit

There is value in remaining in him so that we can love one another as He commanded. To love is to will the good of another. In business, this means we want others to be successful. In fact, the best thing for our businesses is for every person to be successful. We...
004 Good Shepherd, Great Leader

004 Good Shepherd, Great Leader

Great leaders don’t deal with headcount. They deal with people. Each employee is a person with a name and a face, with wants, needs, and dreams. They are each an individual whose life is impacted for the better or the worse by working for their company. These leaders...