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015 Persevering Through Obstacles

015 Persevering Through Obstacles

No plan was ever executed without a few hitches, nor do all aspects of a plan bear fruit. They never do. Learn from failure, adjust, and/or move on. God always provides what we need to do what he asks of us. His grace is sufficient. Mass Readings Audio...
014 Practicing Virtue

014 Practicing Virtue

Practicing admiration, gratitude, generosity, and humility help us to appreciate each other, and not compete with each other so that we benefit from each other’s strengths. Now, that’s good for business! Mass Readings Audio...
013 Living on Purpose

013 Living on Purpose

We are called for a specific purpose, and it is in living this purpose that our lives have meaning. There is also a correlation to between purpose and productivity. Knowing and living according to your unique purpose is good for you and good for business. Vigil Audio...
012 Cooperating with God

012 Cooperating with God

Everything we have, every breath we take, every talent and ability we develop, is a gift from God. We are not to be credited with the land yielding fruit, but we must cooperate with God in scattering seeds of joy, gratitude, forgiveness and love. Welcome to the...
011 Losing the Blame Game

011 Losing the Blame Game

There are no winners and losers in the blame game. There are only losers. People who invest in blaming others cannot learn from mistakes. Blaming leads to win-lose thinking, defensiveness, wasted energy, increased the animosity between departments, all the while, no...
010 Covenant People

010 Covenant People

Your Company Core Values are Like a Covenant With Your People  When daily challenges make it difficult to live up to our part of the covenant, we can rely on the fact that God has given us everything we need. He’s told us everything we need to know. He has given us...