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021 Practicing Wisdom

021 Practicing Wisdom

The problems we face every day are ambiguous and ill-defined. We can’t create a list of right action that satisfies every situation. Instead, we use guiding principles and accountability to help navigate our way to doing the right thing. Mass Readings Audio...
019 Your Beliefs Matter

019 Your Beliefs Matter

Your beliefs matter. If you don’t believe in a cause, you won’t do anything to further it. If you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll likely not accomplish great things.  “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford...
018 The Miracle is You

018 The Miracle is You

We can be a blessing to others in business by helping them grow. As leaders, our #1 job is to develop our people, but we can’t give others what we don’t have. If we are called to leadership, we must lead in a worthy manner and first develop ourselves as leaders. Mass...
017 A Perspective on Empathy

017 A Perspective on Empathy

Empathy is necessary to be a great leader, but it is not sufficient. Truly great leaders are compassionate. If we take an eternal perspective, considering the human impact not just the financial impact, it greatly benefits us, and our relationships with our co-workers...
016 Be Present

016 Be Present

In business, we are trained to plan. Then, we measure our success by how well we meet or exceed our plans. We have to let go of our plans to live in the present. And, we need to be present if we are to hear the Lord speaking to us. Mass Readings Audio...